Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Let It Be Easy...

I’ll start my answer by saying, “In principle it can be as easy as you like!”  I say “in principle” because whilst what I suggest in my answer is what I believe to be the simplest and optimum way of living and creating the life of dreams, its not always easy.
The power of the subconscious is still vastly untapped but what we do know is that the subconscious creates in the outside world what it perceives the outside world to be.  In other words, what you believe to be true will continue to manifest and be true until you are able to perceive and believe something different.  I’ve been using a model that explains this process for some time now (see below), albeit simplistically.   But it’s power is in its simplicity as I always protest that the simpler and more logical a model of explanation is, the more impact it will have on the subconscious and therefore the more likely that it will create the a positive change.


Basically, our identity is made up of a number of beliefs. These are truths we perceive about the outside world and ourselves.  Beliefs and Identities are static in that they lay dormant in our minds and we often only become aware of them through ‘glimpsing’ thoughts as the flick through in our minds.  These thoughts that dynamically flash across our conscious give strong indications of the underlying beliefs and identity.  We never act on thought alone.  We are stimulated, or as I often refer to it ‘puppetted’, by a release of chemicals by the subconscious in reaction to a conscious thought or trigger in order to ‘fuel’ and stimulate the subconscious learnt appropriate action.  The chemical releases give us the experience of feelings.  It’s our feelings that stimulate action, not thoughts, or not directly anyway.  Every action has a reaction, as we were all told at school, and it’s how we perceive this reaction that creates our reality.  This perception of reality, which was stimulated by the beliefs and identity, will inevitably feedback into the belief and identity, and in doing so reinforce both.  It’s a self-perpetuating loop that reinforces itself.
Therefore ‘reality’ persists until the individual steps into the process and starts to redefine it.  It is possible to completely change your view of the world and in doing so change the ‘actual’ world you exist in.  I know this to be true because I’ve done it.  I can honestly say that the world I live in when younger is not the same one I inhabit today and I’m far happier for it.  We create our own experience in the world and in doing so alter our perception of it and subsequently create the world we perceive.  We are intrinsic in the process of creating the life and world we exist within.  When we acknowledge our part in the process of creating our life we are armed with the ability of creating a new life or an easier life.
To get an idea of just how easy I believe life ‘can’ be I want you to imagine the process of playing an instrument.  When you start to learn to play you are very conscious in what you are doing.  You are thinking about what your hands are doing, you are reading the sheet music and listening to the output, which let’s face it generally doesn’t sound like what you’re hoping it will when you first start.  The end result doesn’t translate what you’re attempting to create.  Now imagine you’ve played and played and played.  In fact, you’ve practiced and played so much that now you are expert at your chosen instrument.  Now imagine the process of playing.  You read the music but aren’t even consciously doing it.  Your eyes effortlessly glide across the sheet music and your hands just react to what’s being read.  The painstaking practice has paid off and what you are trying to achieve in your head is being directly translated via muscle memory and neuro-linkages into a seamless beautiful translation of the notes on paper into perfect musical rendition.  There is no resistance between what’s being read and what is coming out of the instrument.  There is no thought or struggle or even effort.  What you want to play just seems to come out of the instrument.  You have trained your brain to effortlessly translate from thought into subconscious reaction into action and result.  It seems easy to the expert musician and you know what, to them it is.
I believe life ‘can’ be this easy.  Imagine a life where you think about what you want to do, achieve, be where the subconscious is completely aligned with the conscious and without question, resistance or interference seamlessly creates the necessary reactions and actions to bring about that thought or focus.  Just like learning to play a seemingly impossible instrument such as the violin, with practice and perseverance you really can make it look that easy…and you what? For you it will be.
So, how do you go about creating the seamless link between thought and output  or reaction?  The truth is, as the previous diagram shows, you already do this.  The problem is that the process needs to be retrained and consistently ‘managed’ and influenced by your conscious thoughts and not subconscious pre-learnt associations that don’t necessarily get you the result you’re looking for.  As an example think about an exercise such as running.  If you associate running with pain, discomfort, misery and boredom, you will get that resultant reaction from your subconscious.  The chemical reactions your subconscious will create are not going to be ones of energy, enthusiasm, motivation, excitement, etc.  Thus it will be a real slog getting yourself out on the run. Conversely the opposite is true.  If you associate running with good feelings and positive associations you will feel the positive reactions from the subconscious in the form chemicals, producing excitement, energy, etc.  We can retrain our reactions to going for a run simply by persistently and consistently applying our new outlook and associations.  Eventually, going for a run, will have an entirely new meaning.  But you have to be disciplined.  When you ‘say’ you’re going for a run, you must mean it and not except any excuses.  You must not allow anything to stop you, especially the subconscious.  You want your subconscious to know that what you say goes and that when you say you’re doing something, you’re doing it.  The subconscious will step up to this new way of life but again it requires discipline, determination and with all things learnt, must be consistently and persistently applied.  Your subconscious may well fight you and may well fight very hard and even very dirty but if you consistently apply massive amounts of discipline, it will learn and thus trained that simply getting on with the task in hand is easier, safer and more beneficial than trying to resist doing it.  The result is a thought of desire or outcome seamlessly transferred in the correct action.
Imagine having a thought and without question or any conscious intervention the desired outcome manifests in the real work through a seamless and perfect alignment of behaviour, action and reaction.
I’ve often said that the pain most of us experience in our lives is the misalignment and levels of resistance between what we consciously think and wish for to be or do and what we subconsciously allow to happen.  The less of a resistance or discrepancy in what we want and what we do the less pain we will feel in our lives.  Sounds easy doesn’t it?  Well it is.  It’s as easy as any other great learning such as playing a musical instrument.  It’s as easy as running a marathon, as in you just keep running and training and extending your distance.  It’s easy but it requires discipline, a healthy bit of single mindedness and consistency backed by persistence.
So how easy can life be?  Well if you ask me, it can be as easy as you make it.

George x

You've Been Scrooged...

As it’s Christmas here at B|B|B, I thought I'd take you on a seasonal journey. I recently wrote this article for the NEF (The New Era Forum) 'christmas edition and wanted to share it with you here. It's a journey to your past, present and future...
I want you to look at your present day life.  Look at all areas as a snapshot.  Look at your relationships.  Look at your job, work or business.  Take a look at your body and your health.  Look at your wellbeing and disposition.  Look at your behaviours.  Look at how you are with other people.  Look at your bank balance.  Look at your kids and who they're becoming and how you are as a parent.  For a moment, be completely honest with yourself no matter how uncomfortable and ask yourself a simple question...
"Is it good enough?"
Take a moment to reflect.  Is what you have today good enough?  Do you want better?  If you answered, "Yes" and "No" respectively to those last two questions, then good on you! Go off and enjoy your Christmas and I'll see you next year...
For those that answered any other combination then I'm assuming you're still with me and I invite you on our journey.  It might get a little bumpy and possibly even a little scary but if you hang in there, you really could have your best Christmas ever!

Imagine you go to sleep...

You're woken in the dead of night.  It's dark and cold outside but you're restless.  You hear a noise outside your bedroom door and then it opens... A cloaked figure of average height walks into your room.  You're scared and like a small child you pull the bed covers up tight to your chin - as if some cotton is going to protect you from the apparition that is entering.  The figure walks in and approaches you on your bed.  It looms ominously over your body

"It's time to take stock," comes the voice from within the hood.  "It's time to be honest with yourself," the voice continues.  "Are you totally happy with life as it is right now for you?  Is the world reflecting your true greatness or merely reflecting your fears, limitations and apathies?"
"Not really," you answer honestly.
"Then let me take you on a journey," the hooded figure concludes.  You're uncertain but before you know what's happening the figure has you out of your bed and whilst holding your hand stamps its foot twice on the floor… In an instant, you have been whipped out of your bedroom and are present at a familiar scene.
You stand in the scene you know well.  It's the one that currently holds you back most in life.  Maybe it's work or home or with a partner or friends.  Maybe it's just you on your own.  Wherever this place is for you, it's the place that is causing you the most resistance in you're life right now.  It's the place holding you back most and causing you the most pain. You know what that scene is.

You see yourself enter that scene and you realise you are watching a real life projection of that familiar scene and setting unfold itself.  You observe yourself in that situation from the outside for the first time.  It looks different from this perspective.  You get to see the honest account of this situation.  You see yourself interacting with the scene as the familiar pattern unfolds.  You struggle to look on.  If it was uncomfortable from the inside, this scene looks even worse from the outside looking in.  Your hooded guide makes you look on.

"Take it all in," it says, "See it with your own eyes.  For the first time in your life, look at your life with honest eyes".  And with that you look on as the scene vividly depicts to you just what you're willing to accept in this area of your life.


Take a few moments now to take yourself to that scene of your own life.  Watch it from the outside. Take in all the detail as you see this area of your life in vibrant colour.  Look at how you are being. Look at who you are being.  Look at what you are willing to accept and how you've resigned yourself to this expectation.  Think of the language you use around this situation or area of life.  Hear the words in your head, as you would say them in this situation.  Acknowledge how you feel in this area of life… And then read on...


The hooded figure breaks the moment. "Are you brave enough to continue?" it says.   You're reluctant but there's something reassuring about the hooded figure's tone now.  The voice is strong but sensitive.  You think about the answer for a moment.  You want to say ‘no’ but you're starting to get the feeling that all this is good for you in some way.
"Yes," you hear your voice saying. "I am brave enough!"

"Good," says the hooded figure and with that stamps its foot twice taking you immediately back to your bedroom where you are lying in bed.  You ponder the moment.  Were you dreaming?   Was it real?   Either way the events you experienced have left you very aware that life isn't what it should be for you.  You've seen yourself in that area of life with new clarity and perspective.  You've seen who you are in that area of your life and it's not good enough.  This final certainty flashes across your thoughts... and you fall asleep.

You awaken abruptly to your alarm going off.  You're all confused because it's still dark outside.  You switch off the alarm, turn on your bedside light and sit up in an attempt to get your head together.  The time reads 03.45am.  You rub your eyes and nearly fall out of bed as you see a cloaked figure sitting at the end of the bed. Again, its face is concealed in the shadows of the hood.  This hooded figure is noticeably smaller, almost childlike in proportions.

"Are you ready?" says the voice of he hooded figure.

"I guess," you say nervously.  And with that the little hooded figure jumps off the bed and stamps its foot a single time...

In an instant you find yourself in an enclosed white room with white ceiling, floor and walls.  In fact it's difficult to see where the walls stop and the floor and ceiling start.  It's just a bright white space.

"What is this place?" you ask.

"Here is where the pain started.  No one meant it to be like this, it's just what happens sometimes,” replies the little hooded figure.

"But there's nothing here!" you exclaim.

"It's for you to put in the detail," explains the hooded figure.  "Try and think back to when the pain started and as you do, it will start to form in this room," it continued.

You might not be 100% sure when it exactly started but you can remember some traits and incidents which most likely contributed.  The hooded figure reassures that it doesn't have to be exact.  

"Just do the best you can," it says.


Close your eyes and imagine the pure white empty room.  Start to build it around your memories of when this issue was formed. It doesn’t have to be exact.  Just do the best you can.  What people contributed to it? What incident or incidents?  Really picture it as if you are looking in from the outside.  It's not important if you have the exact details, the important thing is that you identify that this issue or area of life that is limiting you arose from somewhere or sometime and that it is not 'you'.  Take the time necessary to really connect with the source of what we're dealing with here... And then read on...


As the images form around you in the room, you become increasingly aware that the area holding you back in life right now was learnt. It isn't who you are as much as what you do.  You get a real sense that what you 'do' is just a learnt behaviour or expectation based on your previous experiences, it's not who are as much as who you were made.  You just about get enough time to take all this in when the single stamp of the hooded figure jolts you from your thoughts and straight out of the past and right back into your bed again.
Time passes as you lie there and think...

You think about all the things you do.  You think about the good stuff and you also think about some of the 'not so' good stuff.  You think back to where it all came from.  Most you can easily track to its source.  Maybe it's a trait you witnesses when you were young? Maybe it was a specific event or set of circumstances?  Maybe it comes from a repeated pattern?  Wherever they came from, they came from somewhere.  And you start to grasp that what you thought was 'you' is actually just a collection of experiences that became your personality, behaviour and ultimately your life.

With that realisation arrives a third hooded apparition.
"Come on, you can't be surprised, you know the story as well as anyone," comes the quiet voice from behind the hood.  You get out of bed and prepare for the 'jump'.  Predictably the hooded figure stamps its foot three times.  However, not so predictably, instead of going somewhere the other two apparitions materialise alongside number three.

" Aren't we going to go to the future?" you ask, somewhat disappointed. 
"No," says the apparition.  "The future is as you make it. You always have that choice.  Choose to do what you do and accept the outcomes.  Or, choose to do things differently and embrace the changes that transpire.  I've come from the future to share this simple message with you.  Make the choices you need to make to create the future of your choosing."  The third hooded figure pulls down his hood and a very familiar yet older face speaks. “The future is merely a reflection of the collective thoughts and actions leading up to it."  The removed hood reveals the figure to be you.  It’s you - but in older form, from your own future.

The second figure removes its hood also revealing a perfect copy of yourself, as you are no. "The choice of what the future holds, is present at every moment in time.  Who you are and what you do is not your fault.  It was merely learnt behaviour and habits born from your perceptions of chance happenings.  With this knowledge comes the responsibility of who you are tomorrow. It's the choices you make that define you.  Who you choose to be is who you are.  You have been unconsciously creating a life not of your choosing. It's the one you 'learnt' to have.  The question is, now you know this, what life will you choose to live?"
The third smaller hooded figure reveals itself as being a younger you:  The age where this 'stuff' you've been looking at comes from.  
"Please understand that the past only exists in you as long as you carry it,” it says.  “You can choose to release the old at any time of your choosing.  Your subconscious holds onto the past to protect you from being hurt in your present but, in doing so, it manipulates you from being able to make the free choices required to live the life of your design.  It's time to let the hurt go.  It's time to be the boss and tell your subconscious it doesn't need to protect you anymore. It's time to trust you and your choices."

The older, third ‘you’ follows on. "Now you're aware of what's going on, why it's going on, and the impact this is having on your life, you know what the future holds.  I ask you to ask yourself, if this life you lead and the future it's creating is good enough for you?  Is this really what you deserve?  Is this really what you are willing to stand for?  Or, like us, do you suspect, or in fact 'know' you deserve more?  You already know the answers to these questions.  You have done so for some time but lived in the frustration of not knowing how to change or believing it possible.”

The ‘you’ of present age seems to predict your next question.

"You already know how to do this.  You simply need to make the choices you already want to make and to believe that you can change.  It only exists because it perpetuates ‘in’ you.  It's all within your influence.  Once you truly understand all this and allow yourself to believe life can be different, then you are free to make the choices to live the life and be the person of that choosing.  Will you feel fear?  Yes, but the power to master your experience in life lies in being able to acknowledge all the choices available to you in the face of that fear.  The creation of the life of your choosing is in taking the actions from true authentic choices and not from those simply offered up by your pre-programmed responses to your learnt fears."

You’re starting to get the feeling that life is about to change.

"Live in that possibility," says the second figure.  "If you do nothing else, live in the possibility of change", it concludes.
The apparitions disappear as you lie back in your bed and fall asleep knowing that tomorrow morning brings a day full of choices.  You know it's going to be scary but equally you know fear doesn't have the same hold over you as it did before.  The price you've been paying is too great to let fear prevent you from freeing yourself of your past and living the life and creating the future of you're own choosing. 
Tomorrow, things will begin to change... and with that, you fall asleep.


I wish you all a very happy Christmas and a wonderful new year… of your choosing.

George x

To see back issues of the NEF (New Era Forum), [click here]

My Breakthrough

We had a last minute drop out this Sunday for the Day 2 event in Business Breakthrough so I stepped in and attended as a participant as everyone was paired up.  It was a great opportunity for me to see what we’re doing from the other side.
It’s difficult to be completely impartial, obviously.  I kept thinking about how we could improve things and generally butting in here and there (as is my way), but most of the time I managed to take in the content, do the exercises and see what came up for me.
It was a different energy to the firewalk event.  It was much calmer and more expectant but just as engaging.  We started by recapping some of the goals that had come out of Day 1 (everyone attending had completed this at varying times throughout the year) and from there we went on a fascinating and logical journey of creating and expanding possibility, looking at our purpose and our mission, understanding what barriers and block were likely to come up and what we might do about them, and creating an “identity” for success.
There were 3 major highlights from the day for me: 1. I discovered a part of my purpose I wasn’t aware of, 2. Some incredible new goal came up for me that I’d never thought of before, 3. I bent a steel bar….on my throat!!
As a coach I am used to this stuff and have attended many different events but there’s something about the way George delivers it that’s different and I’m not the only person that’s said this.  We had some incredible feedback from the event, some of which is outlined below, but what I feel we’re creating here is more than a series of events, it’s a movement.  For me, BBB is an organic entity that is growing as more and more people attend events and become clients.  It’s a place where you can get healed and inspired and creates potential and possibility for you to free yourself to be the person you want to be and have the life you want to have, which I firmly believe is possible for everyone.  I have no idea where this is going to go but since Sunday have been visualising large buildings with our logo on them and tour buses. :)
I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to be part of this.
*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

The BBB seminar weekend has taught me a lot about who I am and what I really want in life. I have been to nothing like this before and it is truly transforming.   I recommend this to anyone who feels confused in their current situation or wishes to get more out of life in everything they do. ~ Matt Clarke

You enabled me to dig down to a whole new level of awareness and empowerment. AMAZING! ~ Briony Roberts

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Raising the bar…

Anyone who’s heard me speak recently at one of my workshops or seminars will have heard me banging on about ‘raising your standards’.  It’s one of my favourite subjects at the moment and as such, thought I’d share just how key this is in achieving goals, outcomes, happiness and just about anything else in life.
Firstly, let’s understand standards.  These are the levels of what you will stand for in your life.  These are the levels of any given area of life that is acceptable to you.  You might have high standards in one area of you life, but lower one’s elsewhere.  These standards are directly related to your expectations from an area of life and were ‘learnt’ by you and then taken on by you, ‘as’ you.
The truth is … no, the hard truth is, that everything you have in your life is directly proportional to your standards in any given area of life.  Your standards directly impact your ‘value’ and self worth.  You can only have in life what you ‘deserve’ to have and your levels of deserving are directly proportionate to your self worth.  So, if you want more, you need to deserve more and to deserve more you need higher standards…simple!  So go raise your standards…
Rarely is it that easy.  It is, however, often that ‘simple’.   The trouble is that anything you desire in life but don’t have, will have at least an equal opposing force working against your levels of desire, otherwise you’d have it, be doing it or be it already.  That includes a desire to raise your standards.
There are any number of forces that work against raising one’s standards, many of which I’ve spoken about before.  One of the biggest resistances is how raising standards implicates other areas of your life.  The biggest one being that to raise a standard is to raise an expectation, an expectation in you, from you and in and from others.  The higher your expectations and of those around you, the greater the responsibility is on you to match those expectations with your actions, behaviour, etc.  To the degree with which you embrace these raising expectations and subsequent responsibilities is the degree to which raising standards can be easy or difficult.  I often refer to a true story to demonstrate this in real life.
My sister used to work for a Porsche showroom and garage and on this particular day a customer returned with his recently purchased, top of the range, supercar.  He complained of a ‘rattling’ sound coming from behind the dashboard.  The service agent booked the car in and the highly skilled team went to work.  They checked the car in the garages and couldn’t find the rattle the customer had mentioned.  They took the car for a thorough road test and still they couldn’t discover any unexpected rattles or noises.  They got the customer back in and explained the lack of any findings.  Incredulously, the customer announced, “ I assure you it’s there.  It’s between 150 and 170 miles per hour”, and demanded they resolve the problem.  The service team and mechanics thought this was hilarious and once the customer had left, an amount of mocking of commenced.  That was until the general manager came in and offered his take on the situation, “We’ve sold this man, in our word, the best sports car on the market.  The customer has bought into the brand and in his mind has paid top money for the best sports car money can buy.  The guides state that his car will do over 180 miles per hour and our brochures talk of superlative build quality and customer service.  So why shouldn’t he expect his car to not rattle at 150 miles per hour?”  And with that their responsibility to this customer and to the standards set by the manufacturer was obvious.
The standard was set very high. The price (it’s value) was set accordingly high.  The customer’s expectations matched this standard and value and as such so had the responsibility of those setting the standard.  You see, you don’t get to set high value without raising standards and without having to match the resultant expectations with your levels of responsibility.  And in short, most of us don’t like a lot of responsibility.
Once you raise standards and accordingly your value and then consistently match the resultant expectations with the appropriate levels of responsibility, your ‘worth’ is raised, as are your levels of deserving.  The good news is, that for those who raise their standards and match them with equal levels of responsibility, the rewards are inevitable.
I’ll share one more motoring anecdote that highlights this even further.  A customer returns to the showroom with his brand new £350,000 Rolls Royce complaining that the cigar lighter heats up too slowly.  The showroom, accepts full responsibility, matching the expectations of the customer.  They return the car.  He apologetically explains that he still doesn’t feel it’s ‘quite right’.  The showroom takes the car back, swaps it with another brand new model (all just for a lighter), apologises and leaves the man with his expectations fully realised.  Rolls Royce’s standards remain intact and they continue to be able to demand £300,000+ for their cars because they are ‘worth it’.
Many people fail to realise that they set their own worth - their own deserving in this life.  Their fear of matching high expectations with high levels of responsibility holds them back.  This fear might show itself in many forms such as a fear of failure or a fear of embarrassment, ridicule or feeling not good enough or worthy.  Others set their value high but don’t match it with standards and responsibility.  This ‘value’ is rarely matched by the same degree of ‘worth’ and is often short lived.
So my question to you, is where in your life do you think your standards need raising?  If you are unsure, look at the areas of your life where you are not getting satisfactory results and look for your standards within them.  Raise your own standards in these areas but understand what the expectations from yourself and others will be, based on those standards.  If you consistently match these expectations with a level of responsibility commensurate with these expectations, then you have just raised your self worth and you can expect to receive the rewards of such in the very near future.
10 effects of lower standards
1)            Low self worth
2)            Low self esteem
3)            Financial difficulties
4)            Weight issues
5)            Relationship difficulties
6)            Lack of performance
7)            Low levels of success
8)            Difficulty getting others to see self worth/value
9)            Lack of acceptance of responsibility – blame mentality
10)         Inability to positively influence or effect ones own life and outcomes
Obviously, like everything, there’s more that can play a part in what you get out of life.  But, this is a bloody good place to start  :)

5 Steps to Minimising Fear

Fear can be completely debilitating.  It’s primary function is to help us deal with physical threat.  It’s actually quite useful when we are under physical threat as it shuts down bits of the brain, floods our body with adrenaline and gets us really focused on a very limited number of options, namely hide, run, attack, red alert (worry).
As I’ve mentioned before, most events that we experience in our lives which cause these responses aren’t life threatening, however our subconscious doesn’t know this and consequently releases the exact same chemicals as if it were, reducing our ability to think clearly and creating irrational and often inappropriate responses.
As a human being who regularly suffers from one or more of these chemical responses, I have found the following steps go some way to alleviating the immediate issue and allow me to bring about a little calm, clarity and focus.
1.     STOP!  Einstein’s definition of madness is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, yet this is what we often do when we experience fear.   We defer to our default settings (the ones that have got us into this state in the first place) and continue “doing” what we’ve always done.  Many events that result in a fear response actually don’t need you “do” anything immediately.  Stop, get out and get some fresh air, get a change of scenery, go for a drive, but above all do something different, even if its just for the next 10 minutes.

2.    Perspective.  Most of the time I find that the fear I’m experiencing is actually down to what I’ve made the situation mean rather than the actual reality.  Ever heard the phrase “Its never as bad as it seems.”?  Well, more often that not this is true.  Get things in perspective.  What is really happening right now?  What is the reality of the situation today?  It’s also important to gage what you’ve been telling yourself about the possible outcome(s) so you can see how your mind is working to create more fear.

3.    Manage.  When I talk about managing what I mean is your experience.  Either the thing you fear is going to happen regardless or you have the opportunity to change a potential course of events but either way the one thing that will help significantly is you learning to manage your experience.  This is where you really get to choose, regardless of what’s happening around you.  Are you going to allow yourself to have a melt down or are you going to move through this rationally and intelligently like an adult?  Are you going to run screaming for help waving your arms in the air or are you going to see beyond what you think is happening to the bigger picture and trust that things will be OK?  In order to get a grip on yourself , you need to start by changing your physiology.  Start by breathing deeply and slowly and get up, move around, put your shoulders back and stand tall.  Smile if you can force one.   Next, think about where you’re focusing your attention.  Is it on imminent disaster or is it on what you want to happen.  Remember we head for where we’re focusing.  Lastly, start using positive language like “I have the ability to accomplish any task I set my mind to with ease and comfort” or “I can accomplish anything I put my mind to” (from Wayne Dyer).

4.    Options.  Now you’ve got your head a little straighter and your brain has re-engaged some of the more far reaching parts, you’re ready to weigh up your options.  Get a piece of paper and brain-storm every possible option you can come up with.  The crazier the better at this stage and the more you write the more your free up your creative mind so don’t hold back.  When you have exhausted the possibilities, pick one.  Make sure however you have made an authentic choice.  What I mean by this is make sure it’s the right thing for the right reason.  So often we do the right thing for the wrong reason or the wrong thing for the right reason, or God forbid the wrong thing for the wring reason, and wonder why it didn’t quiet go to plan.  Your authentic choice will be the right thing for the right reason.

5.    Take Action!  You need to let your brain know that you mean business and it can trust you and the best way to do that is to take immediate action and the bigger the better.  Take a step forward straight away and with purpose. 

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Why You Do What You Do

I have to be honest that during and after the event we ran on 22nd September I felt I had reached some kind of utopia in my role as coach, supporter, inspirer and empowerer (is that even a word..?!).  People were having breakthroughs all over the place!  There were tears, laughter, apprehension, determination and ultimately life changing experiences.  It was truly incredible to be a part of all that and I was buzzing for days afterwards.  It got me to wondering, if I was having such a good time doing what I was doing, why didn’t everyone do it?  I was curious as to what made it so perfect for me?  Why do I do the things I do?
Tony Robbins (one of my personal heros) talks about 6 basic human needs that we all need to achieve.  When these needs are all being met, we are a happy, fulfilled individual.  When they’re not, we will do pretty much anything to achieve them.  So what are they?
1.     Certainty – we all need to know that some things will remain the same regardless of what goes on.  Certainty in our life means survival.  Often called security or comfort we all need a level of it in our lives to feel safe.  As with any of these needs, the degree to which they’re important in our lives vary from one person to the next, but take a look around and see if you can identify those people who need a lot of certainty.  They’ve probably been in the same job for a long time, living in the same house, surrounded by the same people.  Control is another form on achieving a level of certainty.  Do you identify with wanting to control things…perhaps everything?
2.     Uncertainty – conversely, if everything in our lives was exactly the same every day we’d go mental.  We crave a degree of uncertainty, variety, surprise and we will do some very interesting things to get it.   There’s a delicate balance to be maintained between certainty and uncertainty.  Too much certainty we we’re bored and unfulfilled.  Too much uncertainty and we become fearful and anxious.  Mr Robbins mentioned once that the quality of your life is dependant on the level of uncertainty you can tolerate.  I had to think about this but I got what he meant.  One of my favourite quotes is by Anais Nin: “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.” We generally don’t need courage in the face of certainty but the more uncertainty we are prepared to invite in, the more exciting (and scary) life gets.  Balance here is key.
3.     Significance – We all want to feel important; that we have some kind of meaning or purpose or that we are in some way unique from others.  As with all of these needs we can do both constructive and destructive things to meet them but the bottom line is we must meet them.  Think about what you do to feel significant or different.  For some its being the best at something or really excelling.  For others it can be creating or enhancing a problem or challenge.  Both can work perfectly to create significance but they don’t always make us feel goods about ourselves.  There is also a delicate balance between significance and the next one.  In order to be significant or unique we must separate ourselves in some way.
4.     Love and connection – Whether its connection with others or connection with yourself, its an essential need that must be met.  Whilst significance requires separation, this one requires the exact opposite so you get what I mean about balance again.  Think about when you were a child and what you were prepared to do to gain love and connection.  Think about how this now manifests in your life today.  We learn strategies at a young age to meet these needs and we go on using these strategies until they just don’t work for us any more.  (Then, hopefully, you go and talk to someone!)  Different people have differing definitions of what love and connection means depending on their experiences.  For some its being part of a healthy, functional, loving family.  For others its an abusive relationship.  Either way, the basic need gets met.
5.     Growth – We’re either growing or dying, there’s really nothing in between.  When we are learning, expanding, developing we feel fulfilled and that our life has meaning.
6.     Contribution – The underlying need that truly brings you joy is contribution.  When you have given something or done something that has made a difference in some way, either to you or someone else, there is a deep sense of joy and satisfaction that’s like nothing else.
I find that the first 4 of these needs become critical when they’re not met or out of balance.  I also find that people are generally pretty well practiced in meeting and balancing the first four.  The issue isn’t the ability to meet and balance them but the vehicle they choose to meet the need and whether its one that serves them in the long run.  The last two are generally what’s missing when they are feeling unfulfilled or aren’t sure what needs to change. 
When I looked back on that event, and actually coaching as a whole for me, it satisfies every single one of my 6 needs and my personal careful balance of those needs.  In the instance of the event, not only were they all perfectly balanced, they were all serving me and others in a very positive way so it was an all round winner.  I feel very fortunate that my job delivers this to me in bucket loads but it didn’t just land in my lap.  I worked towards it and I worked hard.
If things are feeling out of kilter for you at the moment, take a few minutes to think about whether these needs are being met and whether they are balanced for you.  Are you meeting these needs in ways that are nourishing and supporting you or have you developed habits of meeting these needs in other ways?  Think about the tasks or jobs you do currently and ask yourself how it meets each of these needs.  Which one of your needs isn’t currently being met?
Know that everything you do, good and bad, is done because of your innate need to meet one or more of these needs.  This is why you do what you do.  Now what would you like to change?
Tracey x