Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Let It Be Easy...

I’ll start my answer by saying, “In principle it can be as easy as you like!”  I say “in principle” because whilst what I suggest in my answer is what I believe to be the simplest and optimum way of living and creating the life of dreams, its not always easy.
The power of the subconscious is still vastly untapped but what we do know is that the subconscious creates in the outside world what it perceives the outside world to be.  In other words, what you believe to be true will continue to manifest and be true until you are able to perceive and believe something different.  I’ve been using a model that explains this process for some time now (see below), albeit simplistically.   But it’s power is in its simplicity as I always protest that the simpler and more logical a model of explanation is, the more impact it will have on the subconscious and therefore the more likely that it will create the a positive change.


Basically, our identity is made up of a number of beliefs. These are truths we perceive about the outside world and ourselves.  Beliefs and Identities are static in that they lay dormant in our minds and we often only become aware of them through ‘glimpsing’ thoughts as the flick through in our minds.  These thoughts that dynamically flash across our conscious give strong indications of the underlying beliefs and identity.  We never act on thought alone.  We are stimulated, or as I often refer to it ‘puppetted’, by a release of chemicals by the subconscious in reaction to a conscious thought or trigger in order to ‘fuel’ and stimulate the subconscious learnt appropriate action.  The chemical releases give us the experience of feelings.  It’s our feelings that stimulate action, not thoughts, or not directly anyway.  Every action has a reaction, as we were all told at school, and it’s how we perceive this reaction that creates our reality.  This perception of reality, which was stimulated by the beliefs and identity, will inevitably feedback into the belief and identity, and in doing so reinforce both.  It’s a self-perpetuating loop that reinforces itself.
Therefore ‘reality’ persists until the individual steps into the process and starts to redefine it.  It is possible to completely change your view of the world and in doing so change the ‘actual’ world you exist in.  I know this to be true because I’ve done it.  I can honestly say that the world I live in when younger is not the same one I inhabit today and I’m far happier for it.  We create our own experience in the world and in doing so alter our perception of it and subsequently create the world we perceive.  We are intrinsic in the process of creating the life and world we exist within.  When we acknowledge our part in the process of creating our life we are armed with the ability of creating a new life or an easier life.
To get an idea of just how easy I believe life ‘can’ be I want you to imagine the process of playing an instrument.  When you start to learn to play you are very conscious in what you are doing.  You are thinking about what your hands are doing, you are reading the sheet music and listening to the output, which let’s face it generally doesn’t sound like what you’re hoping it will when you first start.  The end result doesn’t translate what you’re attempting to create.  Now imagine you’ve played and played and played.  In fact, you’ve practiced and played so much that now you are expert at your chosen instrument.  Now imagine the process of playing.  You read the music but aren’t even consciously doing it.  Your eyes effortlessly glide across the sheet music and your hands just react to what’s being read.  The painstaking practice has paid off and what you are trying to achieve in your head is being directly translated via muscle memory and neuro-linkages into a seamless beautiful translation of the notes on paper into perfect musical rendition.  There is no resistance between what’s being read and what is coming out of the instrument.  There is no thought or struggle or even effort.  What you want to play just seems to come out of the instrument.  You have trained your brain to effortlessly translate from thought into subconscious reaction into action and result.  It seems easy to the expert musician and you know what, to them it is.
I believe life ‘can’ be this easy.  Imagine a life where you think about what you want to do, achieve, be where the subconscious is completely aligned with the conscious and without question, resistance or interference seamlessly creates the necessary reactions and actions to bring about that thought or focus.  Just like learning to play a seemingly impossible instrument such as the violin, with practice and perseverance you really can make it look that easy…and you what? For you it will be.
So, how do you go about creating the seamless link between thought and output  or reaction?  The truth is, as the previous diagram shows, you already do this.  The problem is that the process needs to be retrained and consistently ‘managed’ and influenced by your conscious thoughts and not subconscious pre-learnt associations that don’t necessarily get you the result you’re looking for.  As an example think about an exercise such as running.  If you associate running with pain, discomfort, misery and boredom, you will get that resultant reaction from your subconscious.  The chemical reactions your subconscious will create are not going to be ones of energy, enthusiasm, motivation, excitement, etc.  Thus it will be a real slog getting yourself out on the run. Conversely the opposite is true.  If you associate running with good feelings and positive associations you will feel the positive reactions from the subconscious in the form chemicals, producing excitement, energy, etc.  We can retrain our reactions to going for a run simply by persistently and consistently applying our new outlook and associations.  Eventually, going for a run, will have an entirely new meaning.  But you have to be disciplined.  When you ‘say’ you’re going for a run, you must mean it and not except any excuses.  You must not allow anything to stop you, especially the subconscious.  You want your subconscious to know that what you say goes and that when you say you’re doing something, you’re doing it.  The subconscious will step up to this new way of life but again it requires discipline, determination and with all things learnt, must be consistently and persistently applied.  Your subconscious may well fight you and may well fight very hard and even very dirty but if you consistently apply massive amounts of discipline, it will learn and thus trained that simply getting on with the task in hand is easier, safer and more beneficial than trying to resist doing it.  The result is a thought of desire or outcome seamlessly transferred in the correct action.
Imagine having a thought and without question or any conscious intervention the desired outcome manifests in the real work through a seamless and perfect alignment of behaviour, action and reaction.
I’ve often said that the pain most of us experience in our lives is the misalignment and levels of resistance between what we consciously think and wish for to be or do and what we subconsciously allow to happen.  The less of a resistance or discrepancy in what we want and what we do the less pain we will feel in our lives.  Sounds easy doesn’t it?  Well it is.  It’s as easy as any other great learning such as playing a musical instrument.  It’s as easy as running a marathon, as in you just keep running and training and extending your distance.  It’s easy but it requires discipline, a healthy bit of single mindedness and consistency backed by persistence.
So how easy can life be?  Well if you ask me, it can be as easy as you make it.

George x

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