But with the delicious and indulgent “up” comes the crappy and miserable “down”. The sugar crash. Yuck. Feeling slightly sick. Lethargic. Guilty. Not feeling particularly great about myself for the decisions I’ve just made. Not really motivated to work now. Thinking Jeremy Kyle is looking rather appealing. Then it strikes. What would quickly get me out of this slump? More sugary treats! Excellent! And so it goes on.
Apart from the obvious ups and downs, there were additional side effects from the sugar. My energy levels were significantly depleted, obviously I was starting to put on weight but the scariest for me was I seemed to be aging quicker than before. I had a tip off that there is a direct correlation between sugar consumption and the quality of your skin. I hadn’t really connected the two until I heard it mentioned but it made sense. I decided to investigate further and a quick check on the internet found a guy called Dr Frederic Brandt who’s a dermatologist and specialist in this area. "In a nutshell, sugar hastens the degradation of elastin and collagen, both key skin proteins. In other words, it actively ages you," says Dr Brandt, who counts Madonna, Rupert Everett and Cher among his clients.
I decided enough was enough. I have made a commitment to take part in our B|B|B 365 Programme and quit sugar for 365 days. So far I’ve completed 21 days. It’s not been without struggle and I’m seriously having to rely on my drive when the kids are here and the house is full of chocolate (well that’s how it feels), but I have to say that in just 21 days my skin has improved significantly! It’s clearer, smoother, and I have distinctly less wrinkles. I’m sleeping better, I’m less moody and my energy levels have rocketed. The bottom line is, quitting sugar for just 21 days…. has improved my confidence!
Try it! If you are consuming reasonable quantities of sugar then just give 21 days a go and see the difference it makes. I would be really interested in how your got on with it and particularly interested in whether you feel an improvement in your confidence levels. Drop me a line or post on the Bigger Brighter Bolder Facebook Wall: https://www.facebook.com/BiggerBrighterBolder.
Tracey x
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